AOII infinity rose

Inspire Ambition

University of Nebraska, Lincoln - Zeta


Alpha Omicron Pi's

Core Values


Commitment to

Alpha Omicron Pi was founded on a promise to serve not only one another but the greater community as well. This commitment reflects a philosophy of friendship, concern, and usefulness in the world.


Commitment to

Whether a member chooses to serve as a chapter officer, or represent AOII as a member of other campus or community organizations, there are numerous opportunities to develop leadership skills as a member of AOII.


Commitment to

AOII encourages all members to excel academically and has many programs designed to assist women in achieving their academic goals. Expectations are high but the support provided by scholarship programs, academic development officer resources, and fellow members makes success attainable.


Commitment to
College Loyalty

From collegiate years on through alumnae involvement, the reason AOIIs continue service is the joy of spending time together and sharing the insights learned from the relationships we build and sustain.

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Letter from the President

Hello, welcome to Alpha Omicron Pi’s Zeta chapter at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. GBR! My name is Zadie Johnson, and I am grateful to serve as thechapter president for 2025! I get the honor to lead a chapter of women like no other. Icould talk about all the amazing women in our chapter for hours, but I will spare you inthis letter. I am so appreciative of all the inspiring strong women I have met through thischapter and would not have it any other way. Going through recruitment was the bestdecision and one of my first decisions in college. My second-best decision was going AOII. My very first impression of AOII was meeting someone from Minnesota, which iswhere I am originally from. Something super special about AOII is the number ofout-of-state students we have. A huge perk of having many students from all over is thenumber of different personalities and lifestyles, there is truly someone for everyone. AtAOII we truly embrace all the diverse women we have in our chapter. We strive foraccepting everyone/anyone for who they are. After going AOII, I realized how strong asisterhood can be; I have so many memories I am going to never forget. Whether it isbinge watching a show, late nights at the library, Sonic visits before chapter, or evenmusic blasting in the hallway on game-days, a new memory is made almost every night.AOII has and will be a huge part of me throughout my whole life. When I first joined, Ialways heard the saying, “you will find your home”. When I first heard of this I kind ofbrushed it off, and thought it was just a cliché. After joining AOII I truly learned thebeauty of a sisterhood and not only found my home, but a family. Before AOII thenumber 1541 meant nothing to me, but now it’s everything. I am halfway through mycollege experience, and I am so thankful I get to give my last 2 years in college to 1541S Street.

Zadie Johnson